Thursday, October 13, 2005

Sydney is 2 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally uploaded by Jessica Briggs-Rivers.
So today is Sydney's 2nd birthday. Although she doesn't feel as happy as she looks in that picture. She has been sick yesterday and today.Fighting a fever, throwing up,trouble sleeping at night, a lot of crying, etc. I had an ultrasound this morning. The tech said the baby is full term, with plenty of fluid, head down and looking good. The heartbeat is what it should be. And the machine gave us a due date of Nov.1st.Which is 5 days early then we had guessed. He said though you a never completely accurate.So she can come at anytime.It could be tomorrow or 3 weeks from now.I guess only time will tell.

1 comment:

Robin Rivers said...


We love you!

Hugs and kisses from Cali

Auntie Robin, Uncle Ken and Mhari