Friday, September 16, 2005

Relief and Happy Birthday Papa

Originally uploaded by Jessica Briggs-Rivers.
Wednesday Syd and I went to the playground. She seemed to have more fun with the gravel then the toys. Big suprise huh?Well,today I actually found a clinic that will take me(state run of course) with our insurance still pending. So next wednesday we are off to see Dr. Liem. I don't know if it's a male or female doc. But at this point I don't care. I am starting to get a bit anxious, because I am 2 weeks overdue for a prenatal check-up.But at least I have been pregnant before,and know what I should or shouldn't be feeling. So far things seem okay.At least I haven't had any problems with this pregnancy to worry about.So I am looking forward to wednesday. Jason has been working like crazy. Only 1 day off last week. And none this week.He is suppose to have next thursday off,but we will believe it when it actually happens. Poor guy has been struggling with his bread making a bit more than he and his bosses expected I think.I still can't believe Syd will be 2 in a month. We drove around the city last night.Saw more of the area than we had. It was fun. I am looking forward to checking out downtown, as well as Portland.I am used to Monroe,a nice size of 15,000 people. Vancouver is 140,000. So it is still a big adjustment. So far I like it though. We continue to find new places to eat. Last night I wouldn't settle for anything less than some teriyaki. Ah pregnancy cravings.;-)And we found a great little place near here. It was yummy and not very pricey. So that made our day. Plus I love supporting small Mom and Pop operations.This place was rather busy as well. So that was nice. I guess that's it. Still working on the bedrooms.It's hard for me to do much when Jason isn't here, beacause our girl loves getting into everything she shouldn't be in. And since this is a apartment they won't let us use the normal screw in childlocks, so we are modifing them with 3M adhesive. But it takes a bit more effort to do.As well as energy, which I don't much of these days. Hope everyone who reads this is doing well. And Happy Birthday PAPA!!!!!!!!!!!!

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