Monday, July 11, 2005

Week 23

Meghan and I are enjoying week 23 now.Only 16 more to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Poor Jason is a little bummed because he of course was wishing for a boy.I promised I wouldn't rule out having a third child. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. It was cute though, yesterday at church he kept rubbing Meghan and telling everyone he could about her. Now that we know her gender. Syd did something funny on Saturday. I had a few inches of water in the tub to bathe our 2 dogs and 2 cats.I went to get Bailey our 3 legged cat and came back to the bathroom and Syd was sitting in the tub clothes and all. It was cute. She just loves water. I am still figuring out how to get the pictures from the Flickr to the blog. So I will eventually get it posted because it's so cute. Although I had just gotten her dressed and she had to be changed again. Hope you all had a great weekend.

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