As I sit here at 12:22am tonight(or morning depending on how you look at it), staring at a ladybug crawling on my keyboard I realize I should post a blog.
Now mind you ,my blog won't be nearly as eloquently written as my sister-in-law's( granted she is a writer after all), but reading her's has made me think even more about my life and yet what is really our life. No longer is my life mine, but yet a combined life I share with my husband of 4 years in a little over a month and a life shared with 2 wonderful daughters.I am seeing many new beginnings.
First I see The Rhiverson's embarking on a journey to Courtenay, B.C. and a new chapter in their lives. Then I see a life still just beginning in my 8 month old daughter- whom I still vividly remember's first few days of life not so long ago.I also saw many other things today.
I had orientation for my new job today. I am now officially a line cook at the Last Frontier Casino. As I sat there in the boredom that is company policies and procedures, I saw Erin(our HR REP)experiencing a new beginning as she and her husband a preparing for the birth of their first child in just 8 more weeks.Which made me realize I still really want to go through that just one more time. It may sound crazy but Jason and I still want 1 more child.I just have this feeling that our family is not quite complete. Although I do know that if that is to happen, right now is not the time for it.Maybe a few years down the road, but not yet.
There are some things I want to do first. I'm going back to focus on my career right now.I have gotten a new job, not only is it the best paying one yet. But a chance to really focus on my cooking. And I am so excited for it. I have spent about a 18 months away from my culinary roots.And really missed it.Made some discoveries on the way. I have learned that I do not like sitting in a office all day, and that a certain grocery store bakery really doesn't do any baking.That as much as I miss my Mom( and Mom I really do miss ya and Grandma too)that I am capable of living on my own and not in the house of one of my wonderful parents.I have discovered that I have even more love then I thought possible for now 2 daughters and a husband that mean EVERYTHING to me.
Then there is Alaska. Recently I learned of another new start. My best bud and her husband are building a new house.That of course made us start talking even more about our dream. We still want our log cabin on 5 acres in Alaska.We still dream of a huge garden full of veggies and herbs, a few dogs and a cat underfoot, snow- lots and lots of snow, composting toilets(yes you heard me right), The Northern Lights, Denali, and even solar power. Yes, we still plan on moving. Though we most likely won't get our dream right of the bat, we will yet be one step closer.
It's amazing how great it feels to get some of my thoughts out. I have realized oh so much. I have so much to live for and look forward too.Weds we are going to the park with a new friend, thurs we get to spend the day with The Rhiverson's as the make their trek north and then Friday I start my new job. Then( yes there is more)next Monday is my birthday,in a month from that our 4th wedding anniv., The month after that we get to welcome Grandma and Pop Rivers for 10 days. The first half of which will be spent on a trip to B.C! Cool- Family Roadtrip!The month after that will be my girls 1st and 3rd birthdays. Then comes turkey day and Christmas. Now it's time to get ready to go pickup Jason( yes it's 1:23am), but it was just way to hot for me to go nap for just a few hours. I sleep much better when he is home anyway. So I conclude with this: Life is Good.