Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Here's wishing everyone who reads this a wonderful Christmas and Terrific New Year!!!!! With much Love, The Briggs-Rivers Clan
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Never Stop Exploring
We have decided to start a new blog as well as some new additions to the Family Blog. We have decide to call it Never Stop Exploring Please check it out. Love you all and Merry Christmas.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Fishing fun and raspberry picking
Okay, I know. Once again it has been way too long since I posted last. Things just always seem to be crazy around here. So I thought I would stick a few pictures in here, that have been in the camera way too long. Some are from fishing and others are when we went raspberry picking a few weeks back.We have developed a deep love from family fishing days around here.So you can be sure you will see more of those pictures in the days to come. Haven't gotten any yet of Syd with her pole, hopefully tommorrow I will get some.Enjoy!

Monday, July 10, 2006
Pool Time Fun!

We have been thoroughly enjoying the pool here at our apartment complex. Meghan just loves it. Sydney on the other hand seems quite undecided about the whole thing. At first she has seemed to like it, but as of late appears to be quite scared of the pool. So we are just letting her go at her own pace. Sydney does love her baths and showers though. We usually aren't able to take a shower without Syd wanting to join us. Meghan currently hates her baths, but enjoys showers also. I think Meghan seems to be okay as long as we are holding her close to us in the tub. Oh well, it's all a learning process.Oh, and just ignore the date stamp on the pictures.It's not acting right for some reason.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
New Beginnings

As I sit here at 12:22am tonight(or morning depending on how you look at it), staring at a ladybug crawling on my keyboard I realize I should post a blog.
Now mind you ,my blog won't be nearly as eloquently written as my sister-in-law's( granted she is a writer after all), but reading her's has made me think even more about my life and yet what is really our life. No longer is my life mine, but yet a combined life I share with my husband of 4 years in a little over a month and a life shared with 2 wonderful daughters.I am seeing many new beginnings.
First I see The Rhiverson's embarking on a journey to Courtenay, B.C. and a new chapter in their lives. Then I see a life still just beginning in my 8 month old daughter- whom I still vividly remember's first few days of life not so long ago.I also saw many other things today.
I had orientation for my new job today. I am now officially a line cook at the Last Frontier Casino. As I sat there in the boredom that is company policies and procedures, I saw Erin(our HR REP)experiencing a new beginning as she and her husband a preparing for the birth of their first child in just 8 more weeks.Which made me realize I still really want to go through that just one more time. It may sound crazy but Jason and I still want 1 more child.I just have this feeling that our family is not quite complete. Although I do know that if that is to happen, right now is not the time for it.Maybe a few years down the road, but not yet.
There are some things I want to do first. I'm going back to focus on my career right now.I have gotten a new job, not only is it the best paying one yet. But a chance to really focus on my cooking. And I am so excited for it. I have spent about a 18 months away from my culinary roots.And really missed it.Made some discoveries on the way. I have learned that I do not like sitting in a office all day, and that a certain grocery store bakery really doesn't do any baking.That as much as I miss my Mom( and Mom I really do miss ya and Grandma too)that I am capable of living on my own and not in the house of one of my wonderful parents.I have discovered that I have even more love then I thought possible for now 2 daughters and a husband that mean EVERYTHING to me.
Then there is Alaska. Recently I learned of another new start. My best bud and her husband are building a new house.That of course made us start talking even more about our dream. We still want our log cabin on 5 acres in Alaska.We still dream of a huge garden full of veggies and herbs, a few dogs and a cat underfoot, snow- lots and lots of snow, composting toilets(yes you heard me right), The Northern Lights, Denali, and even solar power. Yes, we still plan on moving. Though we most likely won't get our dream right of the bat, we will yet be one step closer.
It's amazing how great it feels to get some of my thoughts out. I have realized oh so much. I have so much to live for and look forward too.Weds we are going to the park with a new friend, thurs we get to spend the day with The Rhiverson's as the make their trek north and then Friday I start my new job. Then( yes there is more)next Monday is my birthday,in a month from that our 4th wedding anniv., The month after that we get to welcome Grandma and Pop Rivers for 10 days. The first half of which will be spent on a trip to B.C! Cool- Family Roadtrip!The month after that will be my girls 1st and 3rd birthdays. Then comes turkey day and Christmas. Now it's time to get ready to go pickup Jason( yes it's 1:23am), but it was just way to hot for me to go nap for just a few hours. I sleep much better when he is home anyway. So I conclude with this: Life is Good.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
The Teeth have arrived
I know it's been a while. I still have pictures on the camera that have yet to be downloaded eventually I will get some pics on here of our visit from Mom and Grandma over Memorial Day weekend the title states Miss Magoo now is the owner of 2 pearly whites. They still are rather short which is why I don't have a picture of them yet.That's another reason why I haven't been updating much. We have been experiencing very long nights here in the Rivers Casa.Work has been long and tough lately and then having to come spend the long ( and I mean LONG)teething nights solo, has left little time to do anything much lately. Our apartment and chores have gotten rather neglected lately and what little time we have together has been spent exploring.The weather has been pretty good and we have been taking advantage of it, not only is our vegetables and herbs growing very well, but we have been spending some serious time in our local Gifford Pinchot National Forest.We are so close to Mt.St.Helens it's scary. Who knew bypassing I-5 and taking the forest service back roads could get you there so much faster. Last week we explored the Yale Reservoir and Cougar, Wa. Anywho, the girls seem to be finally falling asleep so I am going to enjoy a little nap myself.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
A happy and healthy little girl
Meg and I just got back from her 6 month check-up and she is doing great. Dr.Garcia said she is doing very well.She now weighs in at 17lbs 14 oz and is 27 inches long. She is teething big time, but it will probably be about 2 more weeks or so before the first tooth makes it debut. Meg is a great size, not too heavy or too thin, just "average".She almost sits up without help as well.And even handled her 3 shots like a trooper only crying for a few minutes.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
They are moving

Just wanted to pass on the Rhiverson's exciting news.For those of you who don't know that it's Jason's sister Robin, our brother in law Ken and the always adorable Baby Mhari. They are moving up to British Columbia in June. So a big congrats to them.In other family news Sydney is on the verge of being completely potty trained.And Meghan has started eating baby food.That's it for now.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
I know, it's been a while
It has been a long time since I posted last.But things have been rather busy lately.Here is a pic from Easter weekend at Sara, Derick and Hailey's.It was a lot of fun and over way too fast.Miss Meg is now 6 months old.We think she is teething, but aren't sure yet.She also rolls over really well and is getting more vocal.Sydney is talking really well, and is also getting close to being potty trained.Jason and I have both been busy working and haven't been able to see each other much.But that's not a big suprise.I guess that's it for now.Sorry it has been so long.
Monday, March 27, 2006
5 months old!
Meghan is now 5 months old.She is doing really well.She has started eating rice cereal.And making progress on being able to sit up on her own.The new jobs are going pretty good for both of us.Sydney is working on potty training.So the whole family is doing good.Have a great week.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Another new gig
So I(Jessica) am now entering the workforce.Well starting thursday actually.My new job is with Delphina's Bakery in Portland. I will be working in the office. Doing the order desk as well as accounts recievable, and some misc office work.It is a full time position.I will have my own desk,computer, phone,etc. It's my first job not working directly with food, and my first job that I sit doing.If things work according to plan, Jason will be working nights.So we won't have to pay for child care.And having the extra money will make things a lot nicer for us.Even though we won't see each other as much, a lot of our stress will be removed with the extra funds.So I just wanted to share the good news. I am so very excited and can't wait to get things started.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
So when Sydney has been good, she gets tattoos drawn on her with markers.Don't worry folks they are washable.I don't know who likes it more Syd or Daddy.It's another wet washington day here.Jason is at his 1st day of work at the new gig.And that's about it.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
New job
So I have dubbed this picture the"stop taking so many pictures of me mom" picture.I just wanted to let everyone know that Jason has a new job. He no longer works for Champion in Portland. He now works for The Last Frontier Casino.He is a line cook in their restaurant.He has had his new employee classes nad has his first day tomorrow morning.So it's back to gettin paid for overtime,getting benifits and no crazy Oregon taxes. Plus since it is about 15 mins north of us,in LaCenter,wa no traffic to worry about either.You know it's NOT a good place to work when the bank puts a hold on your paycheck, because they have bounced in the past. Boy did we have all sorts of trouble with Champions paychecks.So no more of that crap.And Happy Tuesday!
Saturday, March 11, 2006
I know it's been a while.
Guess I just haven't been in the blog posting mood. Well, let's see. Meghan had her 4 month check-up back on the 3rd, she is (or at least was 14lbs 12 oz) and 24 inches long.She is probably closer to 15 lbs now. So she is going right along the so called"average" numbers. In other news Jason got a new job, he now works at the Last Frontier Restaurant and Casino in La Center, Wa. So not only no more Oregon state taxes,it's north of us, so no real traffic to speak off, but no more salaried garbage. He will get paid over time again.He was putting in very long days at Champion and not getting anything fo rit. So that's what we have been up to here.It has been really cold as of late and we have been getting snow. Not the kind that sticks around or anything, more like the stuff that melts as soon as it hits the ground.We also picked up our portraits today, so I will try to get those out to everyone soon.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Miss Meghan is 4 months old today!
In other news I can vaccumm a room Meghan is sleeping in and she won't wake up!How cool is that? Because the only time I can vacuumm( and trust me, this place needs it often)is when the girls are down for their naps. And low and behold Meg has yet to wake up, and that's when I am vacumming right around her. I think she might take after her father and be able to sleep through anything. Since becoming a Mom, I don't sleep nearly as sound as I used to.;-(
Saturday, February 25, 2006

Thursday, February 23, 2006
Another weekend photo
I like how Sydney is sitting in this pic. So cute and proper.Well, we enjoyed another walk today. Meg still doesn't like the umbrella stroller, but it's so much lighter to carry down the stairs then the big one.It's fairly cloudy today,but at least it didn't rain on us.We have been enjoying watching the Olympics on t.v. It will be nice to get back to our usual things though. And we have our picture taken saturday.So that will be fun. I hope anyway. Happy Thursday all/
Monday, February 20, 2006
A fun weekend
Great-Grandma Bev and Grandma spent the weekend with us.Papa was also here, but had to leave saturday afternnon.Shortly Great-Grandma and Grandma left Sydney quickly feel asleep. So I just had to capture it in a picture. We had a nice weekend with some shopping, going out to brunch and just plain old fun.We were all sad to see them go.We had so much fun!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Beautiful smile

I know it has been a while since I have posted anything. Just hasn't been on the top of my list lately.We are doing allright these days. Not too much new going on. So I thought I would just post a few pictures of my lovely little girls.Meghan has started grapping things as you will see in some of these pics. She also relly likes to chew on her hands so we wonder if she is teething. Have a great week.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Grandma Sue went home ;-(
Yesterday Grandma Sue flew back home to Colorado. So things have been a little sad around here. We had so much fun.It was an emotional good-bye.We hope to drive to Colorado this summer or early fall.The Av's won their game last night, and we actually got to watch it on t.v. So that was fun.We even got our taxes done last night.We are getting some money back, so we are happy about that. It isn't raining at the moment.So that's awesome.I am planning on taking the girls for a walk in a few minutes.So it better not start.I was denined a walk yesterday due to the rain.It's so exciting that the SuperBowl is Sunday. Yeah!
Monday, January 30, 2006
Hoffstadt Bluff
This is a great picture. We were at Hoffstadt Bluff in this photo. Looking at the valley that was once full of pyroclastic(I don't know if I spelled that right) flow from the mountain.We can't wait to go up there again.So much more to see and do. Plus really couldn't even see the mountain do to the weather.We did see a lot of other people up there though.Even in January.It's is really raining here again today.Yuck.I am even sick of this rain.And that is saying a lot considering I usually kinda like the rain.Grandma Sue goes home tomorrow.So sad. We sure have had fun.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Family Fun
Here is a new family shot taken by Grandma Sue tonight. I know I haven't updated the blog in a while. We have just been having too much fun.Yesterday we even took a trip to Mt.St.Helens. Well, we didn't get as close to the mountain as we wanted. Just barely got into the "Blast Zone" when the rain turned to snow(we knew that was going to happen, because we had already been told the road up ahead was closed) and the snow was strong and steady.Moments later our SUV was spinning around( in a direction I didn't want to go in) and we ended up with our front end in the ditch. We and the car were fine, no harm done, but needless to say I let Jason drive the rest of the way back to Hoffstadt Bluff Vistor Center. We had fun though.Meghan is now 3 months old and 13lbs, 5oz. So she is growing well. And changing more everyday. Sydney is well, being Sydney. Always full of life and energy.I promise to post more tomorrow. I have a ton of pictures to put on here.;-P
Monday, January 23, 2006
SuperBowl Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's not to smile about? The Seahawks are going to SuperBowl XL!How exciting and amazing is that? I have been watching football as of late due to the Seahawks and actually now have a much better understanding of the game. In my wildest dreams ,I never thought to utter the words" The Seahawks are playing in the SuperBowl".I used to be punished by watching Seahawks games.I kid you not. Not anymore.I just can't get over it. How wonderful.It has done such great things for the city. Really bringing people together.But it will not be against the Broncos, as the performed badly , and I mean badly, against the Steelers.What a great day in Seattle history.So happy.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Go Av's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A few days ago, Papa came by for a visit on his way home.He brought Sydney a tee shirt and she just couldn't wait to try it on.The Av's have now won 8 straight games and go for number 9 tonight.They are now part of a three way tie for the Northwest Division lead!Go Av's!And of course the Seahawks face Carolina on Sunday.If the win the game they will be in the SuperBowl!Go Hawks!
Monday, January 16, 2006
New Duds
Here is Miss Sydney showing off an outfit she got from Grandpop and Grandma Rivers for her birthday.What a beautiful smile.It's another rainy day here in the Pacific Northwest.I would actually like to see the sun for a change. Hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
It was a good day in Sports
We had a good time watching sports yesterday. First the Av's played a great game winning their 7th game in a row. Now tied for 2nd place in their division.And we can watch next saturdays game too, because it will also be on NBC.Then the Seahawks won their first playoff game since 1984. And will face the winner of todays game next weekend in the NFC Championship.So cool. After that we watched the Bronco's win their game as well. I never thought I would have any interest in football.But now thanks to the Seahawks I can't wait for next weekend to see if they will go to the BIG GAME. And of course Jason is responsible for my love of Hockey and the Av's.;-p It hasn't been to exciting here otherwise. Sydney continues to grow and change. She is a handful these days. But alot of fun too. She is getting to be quite a talker too. I wonder where she got that from.Heehee.Meghan is great also. She is awake alot more then she used to be now. And seems to be a night owl.Also getting that from me. I would much rather stay up late and sleep in late too.Soooo not a morning person.Lately Meg has been staying up till about 1 am the last week or so. But then usually sleeps to about 8 am or so, eats and then falls back asleep until about 10:30am. So it hasn't been too bad.But we are still working on changing her schedule. Things are crazy at Champion as always.But Jason is getting through it okay. So that's the latest news from here. GO Av's and Seahawks!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Go Av's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to OLN we were able to watch a great Av's game last night.They won 6-1 over St.Louis. It was their 5th straight win. They are now in 3rd place in their division. There will be another game this weekend on NBC. Yeah! They will be sending 11 players to the Olympics next month, representing 8 different countries.Go Av's!
Monday, January 09, 2006
Just another day
It's another rainy day here in Vancouver.We've had something like 3 weeks without sunshine.It would be nice to see the sun for a change.We recently found out that Grandma Sue is coming for a visit on the 23rd. So we are quite excited about that.Jason has been kept busy with work. Sydney has been her usual climbing self. She seems to be pushing our buttons a lot lately. I think to see what she can get away with.Meghan is well. We enjoy making her smile and coo at us. We hope to get a new family picture done in Feburary. There really hasn't been too much going on with us lately. We had a nice Christmas and New Year's. And even have all our decorations put away now. Jason and I have been working on changing our diet in an effort to help lose weight. So it has been about 2 weeks now since we have bought things like soda,cookies,candy, etc. I think not having soda has been one of the hardest things for us. So we now drink things like, tea, juice and crystal light.Jason even made applesauce yesterday.So we will see how it goes. Meghan needs me now, so I will try to post again soon.;-p
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